That was the most depressing assessment of Western society I have read. A keen prospective on Saturn and the weight of time it brings but come on. There is no reason to believe the best of times are not yet to come. After all, we are on stepping into the age of Aquarius. Harmony is the word for the future of the monad.

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We have debating the meanings of the age of Aquarius for decades. But from an Aeonics PoV, we are in a time of massive decline and change; but that also means there is opportunity in the new. But for this year, Saturn has spoken sternly

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What is the matter with so called experts these days? Stay out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat

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Ken Wheeler just blocked me .took thirty min ,seems to be a chicken

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Nice lecrure

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It did come out that way

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Saturn is the good guy.

Jupiter is the trickery of ego...

Took me a long time to figure out the saturnian proletariat no sooking make it happen

learn through adverse challenge for true wisdom...

fuck jupiter and burn its clothes

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I’ve come to find Saturn as perhaps the key Occult path to wisdom and knowledge.

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100 percent correct.

The subversion of Saturn through the naming of Satan Santa The black cube of mecca (fake medina) and the jesuit cross and Jewish Teffilin. All that architecture of control over the narcisstic masses using Saturns Time consumes everything mantra and its hexagonal north pole.

they forgot the absolute wisdom is through the personal structure of self in the Saturnian ability to traverse and usurp all structures with a better one that can not be subverted or controlled or sold

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Well. That was a cheerful boost for the New Year.

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I know

Space weather don’t lie

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I just got blocked by a so-called sinister satanist . He was scared of me! Funny old world

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Miss Death amateur just blocked me for being at a school shooting. Brave eh

Says she knows about death

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Now X is playing me cause I’m disabled .locked out to please the dix

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With Pluto entry into Uranus or Prometheus ruled Aquarius a rubicon of rapid evolutionary change is about to be triggered, the age of Saturn has served its purpose, the fetters of our enslavement to the old mandate of past present and future is being turn to threads, we have the opportunity now to awaken our own promethean spirit which has remained dormant from the discovery of Uranus in 1784. The Übermensch or Overman is now in a position to access the more subtle dimensions of a simultaneously now, in which we can begin to free ourselves from the overwhelming nightmare of history or lineal time, we honour Saturn for his mastery and forbearance, we have endured, but now it’s time to our create our own values and meanings, and transcend the constraints of this temporal existence.

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Are you referring to Saturn in the astrological context (changes houses every 40months or so) or Astronomical influence (as per “electric universe” postulation’s ) regarding ancient position in proximity to the earth . Maybe you mean religious inference as Saturn (Satan) being “god if this world” (planetary prince deposed by Christ (Urantia book).

Interesting & extremely well presented summation of the state of our predicament giving ample accommodation for conjecture and dialogue. So we’ll done.

As an aside, is it too mischievous to postulate that Nihilists cannot make an argument since there is nothing to argue about & their observations only lead to nothing?

As to our karmic debt or reaping what we have sown, there has been a fair load of interference from those Saturn worshippers who practice social-engineering, devolution & population reduction activities.

If we modern societies deserve our fate because of our collective decimation of the earth, then explain Monsanto!

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Well said.

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What do you think of that?

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All is fair in love and war I guess

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I tried vey hard to be friendly. Really did. But that dumb rule of never speaking to trolls confuses people . All he had to do was say no. But being dumb goes well with his profession

Gary is a scholar and a professional but Mitch’s name is all on the blurbs on his books so it kind of puts him in a difficult position. Again he could of told me to F off and that would be fine

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These people forget I know the book biz and was a bookseller for ten years.

I know the occult book scene since 1966. I’m not bragging it just the way things roll

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Guess what.. Gary Lachman blocked me today cause I screwed Mitch Horovitz .

They are lovers

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Very Saturnian, but far from reality

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Seems pretty realistic to me. Why do you say it’s not?

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Only half the story. The resource crisis is only from the perspective of capitalism. Nothing has gone away, we just don't think to use already harvested resources because that is not profitable for extractive operations

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